When do I start my flower or vegetable seeds indoors?

When do I start my flower or vegetable seeds indoors?

Knowing the proper time to sow your flower or vegetable seeds indoors is critical to your gardening success!  Start seedlings too soon and they can quickly out grow their containers or die from accidental neglect or improper growing conditions. Sowing seeds too late could been cutting your blooming period too short or not getting blooms/produce at all.  

Here's how to know when to start your seeds indoors:

1. Find the last average frost date in your area. (You can find a general date by considering you USDA hardiness zone >> https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/ or find a more specific date by find your local weather station data log). 

2. Research how many weeks prior to the last frost date to sow the seeds indoors. This information can be found in our product descriptions or through an internet search.  

3. Count back the number of weeks identified in Step 2 from the last average spring frost date


Your last frost date is May 1st.

It's recommended to sow seeds indoors 4 weeks prior to the last frost date.

You would start the seeds the week of April 3rd.  

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